It’s an antenatal course like no other.
We start with birth and reverse the journey backwards to you and your body right now.
The Real Birth Programme and Digital Programme is a birth preparation antenatal course like no other. We will show you what happens on your birthing journey in reverse. This method of learning is better for your mind and memory. The Real Birth Programme is proven to lower stress and lower medical intervention.
why the real birth programme?
Increasing rates of vaginal birth
Promotes Choice
Helps you to navigate maternity services.
In Control
Women report feeling more positive about their choices.
Breathing and Massage
Birth Positions
48% of women were more upright and mobile to give birth.
Does it Help?
why the real birth workshop?
When you start the Real Birth Programme, your Real Birth Teacher will provide you with your own birth planning workbook. This workbook will help you to consider and construct an evolving birthing plan using a special tool that helps with decision-making.
You will also receive a unique code that gives you access to The Real Birth Digital Programme and is a fantastic reference guide. This has animated explanations of the amazing changes that take place in birth. With videos and recording for massage techniques and breathing practices for you and your partner.
Your Real Birth Teacher will share videos from couples, who have grateful given us their birth experiences to help inspire others.
There are podcasts, created by women who have given birth in various ways and environments, from home, water births, to an unplanned caesarean, so you can hear their story and share knowledge
3 & 6 Breathing
Birth Partners Positive Birth